# 타이어 교체 및 장착

타이어 장착

타이어 장착 방법

축하합니다. 새 타이어 세트를 받으셨습니다. 자격을 갖춘 전문가가 새 타이어를 자동차 바퀴에 정확하고 안전하게 장착하는 것은 간단한 과정입니다. 본 섹션에서는 새 타이어를 장착하는 과정이 귀하의 지역 타이어 취급점이나 차고에서 무엇을 수반하는지 설명합니다.

타이어 장착은 누가 할까요?

객관적으로 말해서, 귀하가 직접 해 볼 수 있습니다. 새 타이어 외에 필요한 도구는 타이어 다리미, 자동차 잭, 잭 스탠드, 타이어 스프레더 및 타이어 공기 주입기입니다. 하지만 적절한 도구와 장비가 있더라도 새 타이어를 장착하는 것은 전문가보다 훨씬 더 오랜 시간이 걸립니다. 바퀴에서 타이어 하나 제거하는 것도 어려울 수 있습니다.

잘못된 장착으로 인한 위험

잘못 장착된 타이어는 손상되어 터질 수 있습니다. 터질 때 방출되는 에너지는 차량 손상 및 심각한 부상을 입을 수 있는 교통 사고로 이어질 수 있습니다. 따라서 필요한 예방 조치를 취하고 승인된 장착 도구와 윤활유만을 사용하는 숙련된 기술자가 타이어를 장착하는 것이 중요합니다.

차량에서 바퀴 제거하기

1단계: 차는 엔진을 끄고 핸드브레이크를 건 상태에서 승객이 없어야 합니다. 타이어 장착 기술자는 러그 렌치를 사용하여 4바퀴 러그 너트를 모두 풀되, 제거는 아직 하지 않습니다.

2단계: 그 다음, 차를 유압 리프트로 들어 올려, 4개의 바퀴가 모두 지면에서 완전히 떨어지도록 합니다.

3단계: 이제 기술자는 러그 너트를 완전히 제거하여 각 바퀴를 빼낼 수 있게 됩니다.

Fitting the tire to the wheel

Step 1: The fitter will unscrew and remove the valve insert from the old tire, to release the inflation pressure. Once all the air has escaped, he will remove the old tire from the wheel rim using a special tool called a tire spreader. It enables him to move the tire sidewall and bead clear of the rim.

Step 2: The diameter of the new tire should match the diameter of the rim, and it should be approved for use with the vehicle. Rims should be the correct size, in perfect condition, and free of rust. They must not be damaged, deformed, or worn.

Step 3: When fitting tube-type tires, the tire fitter will opt to use new inner tubes. That's because tubes stretch in use, and there's a risk of folds forming in old tubes; a recycled inner tube could suddenly tear.

Alternatively, if tubeless tires are being fitted, they should always be equipped with new valves. If using rubber valves for tubeless tires – sometimes known as snap-in valves – the vehicle manufacturer's instructions should be referred to in the first instance. For certain tire specifications, a valve support is also necessary; this is a stopper on the rim itself or the hubcap, which ensures that valves are not forced off at high speeds.

Step 4: Moving on to the tire beads, the fitter will coat the beads and the rim with fitting lubricant as recommended by the tire manufacturer. Then he will use the tire spreader to mount the tire onto the wheel.

Step 5: Next comes the inflation of the tire. For the duration of this stage, the wheel must remain firmly secured on a mounting machine. Inflating an unsecured tire is dangerous. The fitter will be aware of this; it's also why he keeps a reasonable distance from the tire during inflation. Typically, he will use a sufficiently long, secured extension hose with an integrated pressure gauge, and he won't be bending over the tire as it fills up with air.

Step 6: Once the beads of the tire are seated correctly on the shoulder of the rim, the fitter will increase the tire pressure to achieve a firm grip on the flanges of the rim. This fitting pressure shouldn't exceed more than 150% of the maximum pressure recommended by the manufacturer or be greater than 4.0 bar. Next, the fitter will adjust the pressure to the operating pressure as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

tire repairer checking the tire integrity

Check the direction of tread patterns

Directional tires must rotate in the direction of the arrow on the sidewall as the wheel rolls forward.

The only exception to this rule concerns the short-term use of a spare tire. But drivers should revert to the specified fitted position at the earliest opportunity.

In case of asymmetrical tires, fitment must be with the sidewall "outside" on the outside of the vehicle, so their asymmetrical treads can achieve optimal effect.

Fitting the wheel to the vehicle

Step 1: If the old tire shows signs of uneven wear, then the fitter will check the axle geometry of the car and make corrections if necessary.

Step 2: Valves should be fitted with valve caps – ideally with a sealing ring – to protect the delicate valve inserts and the inside of the tire.

Step 3: When mounting wheel caps and wheel trim rings, the fitter will ensure that there is sufficient clearance for the sidewall of the tire. The wheel cap or wheel trim ring mustn't come into contact with the tire under any circumstances, especially for tires with rim protection flanges.

Step 4: After tightening the lug nuts by hand, the fitter will lower the car to the ground with the hydraulic lift.

Step 5: Finally, once the car is on the ground, he will tighten the lug nuts more firmly in a star pattern.

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Costs of fitting tires

If you were to visit a tire dealer or mechanic to fit your new tires – and we recommend that you do – the cost can vary depending on your requirements. You could buy a new set of tires from a dealer and have them fitted at the same time, for example. Or your fitter may notice that the car requires additional work if your old tires are exhibiting unusual signs of wear and tear.

Perhaps the most cost-effective approach in the long-term, especially when it comes to switching between summer and winter tires, would be to purchase a complete set of tires and wheels together. That way, you can bring your tire and wheel package to your local garage for a simple switchover when the seasons change. For a small fee, the garage can even store your alternate set of wheels for you when they're not in use.

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