# Know How

Règlement européen en cas de pannes

Restez en sécurité pendant une panne

En cas de panne, il est important de prendre les mesures suivantes :

  • Arrêtez-vous sur la bande d'arrêt d'urgence (bande d'arrêt d'urgence) et allumez vos feux de détresse.
  • Mettez votre gilet réfléchissant (gilet de sécurité).
  • Placez le triangle de signalisation à 30 m (100 m sur autoroute) derrière votre véhicule
  • Mettez-vous à l'abri derrière la barrière de sécurité et prévenez la police ou une tierce personne.

Certains pays ont cependant des réglementations locales concernant les pannes. C'est pourquoi nous avons compilé la liste ci-dessous pour vous assurer que vous savez ce qu'il faut faire dans chaque pays.


Continental vous souhaite un voyage en toute sécurité.

Warning triangle; truck in background

Liste des numéros d'urgence

Sachez ce qu'il faut faire en cas de panne - où que vous soyez en Europe !

Cliquez sur les pays ci-dessous pour voir ce qui est requis d'un point de vue légal et qui contacter en cas d'urgence.

Dernières mises à jour

Danemark (2021/09) : Nouveau numéro de téléphone

Espagne (2021/10) : Mise à jour des restrictions d'adaptation

Slovénie (2021/10) : Mise à jour des restrictions d'adaptation

Numéros d'urgence et exigences légales par pays :

  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • Studs not allowed
  • Snow chains for drive axle must be carried in the vehicle
  • On mountain roads, it is recommended to use winter tires from 1.11.–30.04.

Map of Andorra
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • M+S and Alpine symbol (3PMSF)
  • Snow chains, indicated by road signs
  • Snow chains must be used if winter condition or signs indicate

  • Situationally depending on wintery road conditions from 1.11. – 15.4.
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth: 4,0 mm
  • If summertires are fitted chains for one driven axle are mandatory
  • Studded tires are allowed from 1.11. - 15.4.
  • If studded tires are fitted they are mandatory for all axles (incl. trailer)

Map of Belarus
  • Winter tires mandatory from 1.12. - 1.3.
  • Valid up to 3,5 t vehicles
  • Min. tread depth 4,0 mm
  • Winter tires have to be mounted on all 4 axles
  • Studded tires can be used as all other winter tires
  • M+S marking

Map of Belgium
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • M+S tires with lower speed index accepted from 1st October to 30st April (labeling the max speed in the dashboard mandatory)
  • M+S marked tires with same/higher speed index accepted all the year round
  • Alpine symbol (3PMSF) tires with smaller speed index accepted all the year round (labeling the max speed in the dashboard mandatory)  

Map of Bosnia
  • Winter tires mandatory from 15.11.-15.04.
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight and not more than 8 seats
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 4,0 mm
  • Studs are not allowed

Map of Bulgaria
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • Studs not allowed
  • Min. tread depth 4,0 mm mandatory from 01.11. - 31.3. 

Map of Croatia
  • Winter tires mandatory
  • From 15.11. - 15.4.
  • Up to 3,5 tons
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 4,0 mm

Map of Cyprus
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight

Map of Czech Republic
  • Situationally depending on winterly road conditions from 1.11. - 31.3.
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 4,0 mm


Map of Denmark
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • Studded tires allowed from 1.11. - 15.4.

Map of Estonia
  • Mandatory to use winter tires 1.12. – 1.3.
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 3,0 mm
  • Studded tires can be used from 15.10. - 31.03.
  • From 01.12.2022 Alpine symbol (3PMSF) required for studded tires (exception POR tires)

Map of Finland
  • Mandatory to use winter tires 1.11. - 31.03., if road conditions require it
  • Min. tread depth 3,0 mm
  • Studded tires can be used from 1.11. - 31.03. or first Monday after Easter, outside this time can be used if "winter" conditions
  • Valid up to 3,5 t vehicle weight
  • M+S marking
  • Tires with M + S marking can still be used until November 30th, 2024. Thereafter, only tires with the Alpine symbol (3PMSF) or studded tires are considered winter tires

Map of France
  • Based on a decision of the prefect, vehicle must use winter equipment (winter tires and/or snow chains) in the period from 1.11. to 31.03.
  • Winter tires shall be marked with Alpine symbol (M+S marked tires are allowed until 1.11.2024)
  • Snow chains, indicated by road signs
  • Snow chains must be used if winter condition or signs indicate

Map of Germany
  • Depending on winter weather conditions
  • Situational winter tires are mandatory
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 1,6mm

Map of Greece
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons
  • Snow chains allowed, max. speed limit 50 km/h

Map of Hungary
  • Winter tires not mandatory

Map of Iceland
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • Min. tread depth 1,6 mm

Map of Ireland
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight

Map of Italy
  • Winter Tire Obligation in places from 15.11. - 15.04.
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight
  • M+S marking
  • Extention: 1 month for mounting (15.10. - 15.11.) and 1 month for dismounting (15.04. - 15.05.)
  • Min. tread depth 1,6 mm
  • Winter Tires allowed in summer (16.05. - 14.10.) if the speed index is the same or higher of the one in the vehicle registration paper

Map of Latvia
  • Winter tires mandatory from 01.12. - 01.03.
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 4,0 mm
  • Studded tires can be used from 01.10. - 01.05.

Map of Liechtestein
  • No general winter tire regulations, regional regulations are possible in winter road conditions (f.e Pass-Roads)
  • Min. tread depth for winter tires 1,6 mm
  • In case of an accident with summer tires in wintry conditions, be aware of liability issues
  • If authorities announce snow chain obligation, only snow chains are permitted (four-wheel drive may be excluded)
  • Use of snow chains in case of respective road signs and conditions
  • Studded tires are permitted for vehicles <7.5 t GVW between November 1 and April 30 or on snowcovered roads
  • Max speed 80 km/h
  • Vehicles with studded tires have to be labled with a sticker 80 km/h

Map of Lithuania
  • Winter tires mandatory from 01.11. - 01.04.
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 1,6 mm
  • Studded tires can be used as all other winter tires during the mandatory winter period
  • Min. tread depth 3,0 mm


Map of Luxembourg
  • Depending on winter weather conditions
  • Valid up to 3,5 t vehicle weight
  • M+S marking
  • Min tread depth 1,6 mm

Map of Macedonia
  • Winter tires mandatory from 15.11.-15.03.
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 4,0 mm
  • Studs not allowed

Map of Malta
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight

Map of Moldavia
  • Depending on winter weather conditions from 01.12. - 31.03.
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight
  • M+S marking
  • Studs allowed from 01.12. - 01.03.

Map of Montenegro
  • Winter tires mandatory from 15.11. - 01.04.
  • Winter tires mandatory up to 3,5 tons
  • Min. tread depth 4,0 mm
  • M+S marking

Map of Netherlands
  • Winter tires not mandatory

Map of Norway
  • Depending on winter weather conditions
  • Valid up to 3,5 t vehicle weight
  • M+S especially developed for winter use and / or Alpine symbol (3PMSF)
  • Min. tread depth 3,0 mm
  • Studded tires allowed
  • From 01.11. to 1st Monday after Easter in the South
  • From 15.10. to 30.04. in the North

Map of Poland
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • Valid up to 3,5 t vehicle weight
  • Snow chains only allowed on roads covered with snow and ice
  • Studded tires not allowed

Map of Portugal
  • Winter tires not mandatory

Map of Romania
  • Depending on winter weather conditions
  • Valid up to 3,5 tones vehicle weight
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 1,6 mm

Map of Russia
  • Winter tires mandatory from 1.12. - 28.02.
  • M+S marking as well as Alpine symbol (3PMSF)
  • Min. tread depth 4,0 mm
  • If using studded tires, they have to be on all positions
  • Winter tires have to be mounted on all positions
  • Studs are forbidden from 01.07. - 30.09.

Map of Serbia
  • Depending on winter weather conditions
  • From 1.11. - 01.04.
  • Winter tires are mandatory up to 3,5 tons
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 4,0 mm

Map of Slovakia
  • Depending on winter weather conditions
  • From 15.11. - 31.3.
  • Valid up to 3,5 t vehicle weight
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 3,0 mm
  • Snow chains must be used if signs indicate and can be used if winter condition
  • Forbidden to use spike tires

Map of Slovenia
  • Winter tires mandatory from 15.11.-15.03.
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 3,0 mm
  • Studs not allowed

Map of Spain
  • No winter tire obligation
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight
  • Min. tread depth 1,6 mm

Map of Sweden
  • Depending on winter weather conditions from 01.12. - 31.03.
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight
  • M+S marking
  • Min. tread depth 3,0 mm
  • Studded tires allowed from 01.11. – 15.4.

Map of Switzerland
  • No general winter tire regulations, regional regulations are possible in winter road conditions (f.e mountain passes)
  • Min. tread depth for winter tires 1,6 mm
  • In case of an accident with summer tires in wintry conditions, be aware of liability issues
  • If authorities announce snow chain obligation, only snow chains are permitted (four-wheel drive may be excluded)
  • Use of snow chains in case of respective road signs and conditions
  • Studded tires are permitted for vehicles <7,5 t GVW between 01.11. 30.04. or on snowcovered roads
  • Max speed 80 km/h
  • Vehicles with studded tires have to be labled with a sticker 80 km/h

Map of Turkey
  • Winter tires are mandatory from 01.12. - 01.04.
  • Valid for just commercial vehicles (including taxi, light trucks, trucks, buses)
  • Min. tread depth 1,6 mm
  • M+S marking

Map of Ukraine
  • Winter tires not mandatory

Map of United Kingdom
  • Winter tires not mandatory
  • Valid up to 3,5 tons vehicle weight

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