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Retreading with intelligent tyres

Handling Instructions

  • Any Continental medium/heavy truck tire can be specified as an intelligent tire, meaning it will have a rubber container (boot) and a TPMS sensor installed from the Continental plant.
  • The boot and sensor do not impact the balance of the tire.
  • Retreading an intelligent tyre requires special handling from the retreader.
  • For warranty procedures, please refer to the warranty policy on the website.
  • Any Continental medium/heavy truck tyre can be specified as an intelligent tire, meaning it will have a rubber container (boot) and a TPMS sensor installed from the Continental plant.
  • The boot and sensor do not impact the balance of the tyre. 
  • Retreading an intelligent tyre requires special handling from the retreader.
  • For warranty procedures, please refer to the warranty policy on the website.

WARNING! Sensors in the retread curing chamber can create a fire hazard, due to the battery. 

  • If the boot was installed using Cyber Bond glue: leave it intact through the retread process and pull out after the retread process is complete.
  • If the boot was installed using a REMA – Tip Top patch: leave it intact through the retread process and cut off the cup after the retread process is complete.
  • Always install a new rubber boot before reinstalling the sensor.  
  • Each fleet must confirm their policy related to the sensors. The retreader must set up a manual process to support the fleet’s requirements.
  • Does the fleet want their same sensors back?
    This requires the retreader to keep sensors for each customer separated
  • Should the sensors be placed back into the tires after retreading for further use?
    This requires the retreader to install a new rubber boot to hold the sensor
  • Should the sensors be placed back into the same tire?
    This requires a Hand Held Tool for identification of the sensors 

For more information

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