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Our Ambition

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Our ambition is to become the most progressive tire manufacturer in terms of environmental and social responsibility by 2030

We take responsibility for our products, people and the environment. Tomorrow's mobility will be cleaner, more sustainable and carbon neutral. On this journey, we are pioneers.

We rely on our greatest strength: our innovative spirit.

We work tirelessly to drive innovative technologies and sustainable solutions along our entire value chain - from sourcing of sustainable materials to recycling of end-of-life tires.

Despite all transformation, the safety of our products will always be our top priority.

All new, renewable and recycled materials we use in our tires pass numerous tests. Safety, performance and efficiency of a material are essential for us.

We Take Responsibility Along our Entire Value Chain

Material Sourcing
Material Sourcing
Use Phase
Use Phase
End of Life
End of Life

We will make all our tires exclusively from sustainable materials by 2050 at the latest.

When we say “sustainable,” we mean all materials that originate from closed cycles, do not have any harmful impact on people or the environment, are procured responsibly and are carbon-neutral throughout their supply chains.

All Continental tire production will be carbon-neutral by 2040.

We operate energy-efficient, economical and low-emission production facilities. The electricity that we obtain from the grid and purchase for our tire production sites worldwide has been carbon-neutral since late 2020. To prove this, we secure energy attribute certificates in accordance with the criteria of the RE100 initiative. We intend to recover 95 percent of the waste generated at our tire production sites worldwide. Continental is already taking a leading role in the industry when it comes to the efficient use of water and energy. According to research “Environmental Key Performance Indicators for Tire Manufacturing 2009-2019” conducted by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD, 2020), Continental uses 55 percent less water per metric ton of tires produced than the industry average.

We advocate safe, energy-efficient and long-lasting products.

We supply durable, energy-efficient tires that offer the very best safety characteristics. In pursuit of that goal, we are constantly working to improve tire life, wear rates and rolling resistance – factors that are crucial to the exceptional quality of our tires.

All our tires will be made from 100 percent recycled and/or renewable materials by 2050.

Old tires are a valuable source of material, both for re-use and for the production of new tires. Continental is developing innovative methods of recovering materials to advance recycling and the sustainable re-use of tires.

Our Ambitions by 2050 at the Latest

We continuously increase the sustainability of our production processes and products in line with our global sustainability strategy. Some of our overarching sustainability goals will not be fully met within two to three decades. But in addition to the major long-term goals, sprints are also crucial for us.

Ambitions by 2030

  • 100 percent natural rubber from responsible sourcing
  • over 40 percent renewable and recycled materials in our tires
  • 20 percent waste reduction based on KPI from 2020, 95 percent waste recovery quota
  • 20 percent reduction in energy usage compared to 2018
  • 20 percent reduction in water usage compared to 2020. Even higher targets for sites with high water risk

Ambitions by 2040

  • 100 percent carbon neutral production

Ambitions by 2050 at the Latest

  • 100 percent sustainable materials
  • 100 percent carbon neutral and responsible supply chains
  • 100 percent retreading and recycling of our tires